In Sales
Business Growth
Sales Improvement
Sales Challenges
Can affect any
Virtually any business providing products and/or services
can experience challenges with their Sales or
Distribution organizations.
Challenges the Small Business Owner/Leader may not have the time or expertise to deal with.
These challenges may show up very clearly in the form of weak sales performance results, or they may not show up until they adversely affect the performance of other business functions within the business.
Top-Line Revenue Growth will likely be the greatest casualty.
While industries may vary greatly in markets, technologies, products and services, the key elements that make up a great, repeatable and predictable sales process are pretty much the same...as long as the business has the talent and experience to create and implement them.
Small to Mid-Sized Business is not synonymous with Less Professional or Less Complex. It usually just comes down to revenue, budgets and profits.
Most sales challenges fall within three categories:
Process, People, Leadership…or all three.
It is imperative that the Sales Process is evaluated before
making any changes to sales personnel or leadership!
Fractional Sales Improvement Solutions can provide the
Right Resource at just the Right Time
Outsourcing Sales Improvement will bring additional
Resources, Expertise and Experiences into an organization;
Balancing the Skill Needed with the Cost of obtaining it.
Most SMBs don't need "one-size-fits-all" solutions. They need customized solutions specific to their needs, scalable to their resources.
The most critical component for Sales Improvement is the SMBs
Sales Process itself, followed then by their Sales Leadership and their Sales People.
The Sales Process Defined
Simply put, the Sales Process is the tactical actions a business team uses consistently every day to achieve their overall sales strategy, which is then supported by the rest of their organization.
Managing the Sales Process is not focusing on "how" a business actually sells its product or services.
It is how the Business Leader actually manages the "process of how" a business sells its products or services from an operational and performance standpoint.
The Sales Process includes:
- Pipeline Management and Stages
- CRM Optimization and Utilization
- Lead Generation
- Customer Base Management
- Performance Metrics
- Sales Team Engagement
- Financial Metrics
- Leadership Accountability